Canadian Journal for Traditional Music (1983)

Reference List on Canadian Folk Music/Bibliographie de Musique Folklorique Canadienne

Edith Fowke

This is a revised and updated version of the reference list that appeared in the first issue of the Canadian Folk Music Journal in 1973 and was updated in 1978. As previously, it is selective rather than complete: it includes most books of traditional songs and most records by traditional singers and musicians, along with some articles on various aspects of Canadian folk music and some folksong records by non-traditional singers.

The published material has been divided into language groupings: French, English, and other, with a general section for works that include songs in two or more languages. Asterisks indicate reference books and items that include fairly extensive bibliographies.

A section on compositions based on Canadian folk music included in previous versions of this reference list has been dropped this time. It was not possible to make this section complete, and it became increasingly difficult to determine which items should be included. Those interested in compositions based on folk music should approach the Canadian Music Centre de musique canadienne in Vancouver, Montreal, or Toronto.

Those wishing a more extensive list of books, articles, and records may refer to sections 5 and 12 of A Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English, which is available in most major libraries.

Ceci est une version revue et corrigée des références bibliographiques et discographiques parus dans le premier numéro du Canadian Folk Music Journal en 1973 et mise a jour en 1978. Comme précédemment, il s'agit plutôt d'une selection que d'une liste exhaustive. On y retrouve la plupart des recueils de chansons traditionnelles et des disques de chanteurs traditionnels aussi bien qu'un grand nombre d'articles représentatifs des différents aspects de la musique traditionnelle au Canada, ainsi que, plusieurs disques de chansons traditionnelles interprétées par des chanteurs nontraditionnels.

Les publications ont été divisées par groupes linguistiques: francais, anglais et autres, avec une section générale pour les travaux traitant des chansons de deux ou plusieurs groupes linguistiques. Les astérisques font référence a des articles et des livres qui contiennent des bibliographies plus ou moms importantes.

La section sur les compositions inspirées de musiques folkloriques canadiennes qui faisait partie des précédentes versions de cette bibliographie a été enlevée. Il n'était plus possible de constituer une section complete et il est devenu difficile de determiner les items qui doivent y apparaItre. Les personnes intéressées par ces oeuvres peuvent toujours s'adresser aux Centres de musique canadienne de Vancouver, Montréal et Toronto.

Ceux qui desirent une bibliographie plus détaillée de livres et d'articles et une discographie plus complete peuvent se référer aux sections 5 et 12 de la Bibliographie of Canadian Folklore in English qu'il est possible de trouver dans la plupart des grandes librairies.


JAF— Journal of American Folklore

CFMJ — Canadian Folk Music Journal

JIFMC — Journal of the International Folk Music Council

CCFCS — Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies

CCECT— Centre Canadien d'études sur la culture traditionnelle

Books, Pamphlets, And Articles/Livres, Brochures, ET Articles

1. General/Général

Barbeau, C. Marius. "Folk-Song." In Music in Canada. Ed. Sir Ernest MacMillan. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1955, pp. 32—54.

Barbeau, C. Marius, Arthur Lismer, and Arthur Bourinot. Come A Singing! Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 107, 1947; rpt. 1973. 59 pp.

Bartlett, Jon, and Rika Ruebsaat. Songs and Stories of Canada. Richmond: B.C. Provincial Educational Media Centre, 1980. 126 pp.

Cass-Beggs, Barbara. Canadian Folk Songs for the Young. Vancouver: J.J. Douglas, 1975. 48 pp.

Eight Songs of Saskatchewan. Toronto: Canadian Music Sales, 1963. 15 pp.

Crawford, Venetia, ed. Treasures of the Pontiac in Song and Story. Shawville, P.Q.: Dickson Enterprises, 1979. 153 pp.

Creighton, Helen. "Canada's Maritime Provinces — An Ethnomusicological Survey." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 404-14.

Creighton, Helen, and Eunice Sircom. Eight Ethnic Folk Songsfor Young Children. Piano accompaniments. Toronto: Gordon V. Thompson, 1977. 20 pp.

_________ and _________. Nine Ethnic Folk Songs for S.S.A.B. Toronto: Gordon V. Thompson, 1977. 50 pp.

Fowke, Edith. "Canadian Folktales and Folk Songs." In The Literary History of Canada. Ed. Carl F. Klinck. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1967, rev. 1975, pp. 177—87.

_________ "Folk Music in Canada." Canada Music Book, Spring-Summer, 1975, pp. 53—57.

_________• The Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973. 224pp.

__________• ed. Canadian Vibrations Canadiennes. Toronto: Macmillan, 1972. 154 pp.

*Fowke, Edith, and Carole Carpenter. . Bibliography of Canadian Folklore in English. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981, pp. 62—100.

Fowke, Edith, and Richard Johnston. Folk Songs of Canada. Waterloo: Waterloo Music, 1954. 198 pp.

_________ and _________. More Folk Songs of Canada. Waterloo: Waterloo Music, 1967; rpt. as Folk Songs of Canada II, 1978. 207 pp.

Fowke, Edith, and Alan Mills. Canada's Story in Song. Toronto: Gage, 1960. 229 pp.

Hogan, Dorothy, and Homer Hogan. "Canadian Fiddle Culture." Communique Canadian Studies, 3(Aug. 1977), 72—101.

Peacock, Kenneth. "Folk and Aboriginal Music." In Aspects of Music in Canada. Ed. Arnold Walter. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1969, pp. 62-89.

__________ . Practical Guide for Folk Music Collectors. Ottawa: Canadian Folk Music Society, 1966. Mimeographed. 92 pp.

Thomas, Philip J. Songs of the Pacific Northwest. North Vancouver: Hancock, 1979. 176 pp.

Usher, Bill, and Linda Page-Harpa, eds. "For What Time I Am in This World': Stories from Mariposa. Toronto: Peter Martin, 1977. 240 pp.

2. Indian and Inuit/Indiens et Inuits

Barbeau C. Marius. "Asiatic Survivals in Indian Songs." Musical Quarterly, 20(1934), 107—116.

_________• "Buddhist Dirges of the North Pacific Coast." JIFMC, 14(1962), 16—21.

_________• "Dragon Myths and Ritual Songs of the Iroquois." JIFMC, 3(1951), 8 1—85.

__________• "Indian Songs of the Northwest." Canadian Music Journal, 2(Autumn 1957), 16—25.

__________• "Tsimshian Songs." In The Tsimshian, Their Arts and Music. Ed. C.M. Barbeau, V.E. Garfield, and P.S. Wingert. New York: Augustin, 1951, pp. 95—280.

Boaz, Franz. The Central Eskimo. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, 1888; rpt.

Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1964, pp. 240—50. __________• "Chinook Songs." JAF, 1(1888), 220-26.

__________• "On Certain Songs and Dances of the Kwakiutl." JAF, 1(1888), 49—64.

Boulton, Laura. The Music Hunter. Garden City: Doubleday, 1969.

Burton, Frederick R. American Primitive Music,' With Especial Attention to the Songs of the Ojibways. New York: Moffat, Yard, 1909. 284 pp.

*Cavanagh, Beverley. "Annotated Bibliography: Eskimo Music." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 279—487.

__________• "Imagery and Structure in Eskimo Song Texts." CFMJ, 1(1973), 3—15. __________• "Some Throat Games of Netsilik Eskimo Women." CFMJ, 4(1976), 43—47.

Colombo, John Robert. Poems of the Inuit. Ottawa: Oberon Press, 1981. 117 pp.

Densmore, Frances,. Music of the Indians of British Columbia. Washington: Bureau of American Ethnology, 1943. 99 pp.

__________• Nootka and Quileute Music. 1939; rpt. New York: Da Capo, 1972. 358 pp.

Fenton, William N., and Gertrude P. Kurath. The Iroquois Eagle Dance: An Offshoot of the Calumet Dance. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953. 324 pp.

George, Graham. "Songs of the Salish Indians of British Columbia." JIFMC, 14(1962), 22—29.

*Guédon, Marie-Francoise. "Canadian Indian Ethnomusicology: Selected Bibliography and Discography." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 465—78.

Halpern, Ida. "Music of the B.C. Northwest Coast Indians." Proceedings of the Centennial Workshop on Ethnomusicology, Vancouver, 1968, pp. 23—41.

Herzog, George. "Salish Music." Cont,ibutions to Anthropology, 36(1949), 93—109.

Hofmann, Charles. Drum Dance: Legends, Ceremonies, Dances and Songs of the Eskimos. Toronto: W.J. Gage, 1974. 95 pp.

Johnston, Thomas F. Eskimo Music by Region. A Co,nparative Circumpolar Study. Ottawa: National Museum, Ethnology Service Mercury 32, 1976.

Kolinski, Mieczyslaw. "An Apache Rabbit Dance Song Cycle as Sung by the Iroquois." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 415—64.

_________• "An Iroquois War Dance Song Cycle." Causm Journal, l(Fall 1972), 51—64.

Kurath, Gertrude P. Dance and Song Rituals of the Six Nations Reserve, Ontario. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 220, 1968, 205 pp.

_________• "Dogrib Choreography and Music." In The Dogrib Hand Game. Eds. June Helm and Nancy 0. Lurie. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 205, 1966, pp. 12—28.

__________• Iroquois Music and Dance.' Ceremonial Arts of Two Seneca Long-houses. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964. 268 pp.

Lutz, Maija M. The Effects of Acculturation on Eskimo Music of Cumberland Peninsula. Ottawa: National Museum, Ethnology Service Mercury 41, 1978.

Mcllwraith, Thomas F. Bella Coola Indians. 2 vols. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1948. pp. 267—337.

Moses, Ellen. "Love and Lonesome Songs of the Skeena River." CFMJ, 8(1980), 3 1—39.

Nettl, Bruno. "Studies in Blackfoot Indian Musical Culture." Ethnomusicology, 11(1967), 141—160; 293—309; 12(1968). 11—48; 192—207.

Pelinski, Ramon, et al. Inuit Songs from Eskimo Point. Ottawa: National Museum, Ethnology Service Mercury 60, 1979.

Pelinski, Ramon. La musique des Inuit du Caribou. Cinq perspectives met hodologiques, semiologie et analyse musicales. Montréal: Les Presses de I'Université de Montréal, 1981.

Rasmussen, Knud, coil, and trans. Beyond the High Hills. Cleveland: World, 1961.

Roberts, Helen H., and H.K. Haeberlin. "Some Songs of the Puget Sound Salish." JAF, 3 1(1918), 496—520.

Roberts, Helen H., and Diamond Jenness. Songs of the Copper Eskimos. Vol. 14. Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913—18. Ottawa: King's Printer, 1925. 506 pp.

Roberts, Helen H., and Morris Swadesh. Songs of the Nootka Indians of Western Vancouver Island. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1955. 128 pp.

Stuart, Wendy B. Gambling Music of the Coast Salish Indians. Ottawa: National Museum, Ethnology Mercury 3, 1973. 114 pp.

Swanton, John R. "Haida Songs." Publications of the Ame,ican Ethnological Society, 3(1912), 1—63.

Wallis, Wilson D., and Ruth S. Wallis. "Dances, Games and Songs." The Micmac Indians of Eastern Canada. Minneapolis: Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1955, pp. 191—230.

Witmer, Robert. "Recent Change in the Musical Culture of the Blood Indians of Alberta." Yearbook for Inter-American Musical Research, 9(1973), 64—94.

3. French Canadian/Canadiens FranÇAis

Allaire, Uldéric. Le chansonnier canadien. Montréal: Beauchemin, 1936. 174 pp.

Georges Arsenault. "La chanson acadienne de composition locale," CFMJ, 9(1981), 20—33.

__________• La chanson du pays. Summerside: Société Saint-Thomas d'Aguin, 1980. 73 pp.

__________• Complaintes acadiennes de l'Ile-du-Prince-Edouard. Montréal: Leméac, 1980. 261 pp.

Barbeau, C. Marius. Alouette. Montréal: Editions Lumen, 1946. 216 pp. ___________• "Berceuses et chansonnettes." JAF, 53(1940), 182—90.

__________• "Chants populaires du Canada." JAF, 32(1919), 1—89.

__________• Chansons populaires du vieux Quebec/Folk Songs of Old Quebec. Ottawa: Musée national du Canada, Bulletin 75, 1935. 52 pp.

_________• "La complainte de Cadieux, coureur de bois (ca. 1709)." JAF, 67(1954), 163—83.

__________• En roulant ma boule, Deuxiéme partie du repertoire de la chanson francaise au Canada. Ottawa: Musées nationaux du Canada, 1982. 753 pp.

__________ "The Ermatinger Collection of Voyageur Songs (ca. 1830)." JAF, 67(1954), 163—83.

*. Jongleur Songs of Old Quebec. Toronto: Ryerson, 1962. 202 pp.

_________• Romancero do Canada. Montréal: Editions Beauchemin, 1937. 254 pp. __________• Le Rossignol y chante. Ottawa: Musée National du Canada, Bulletin 175, 1962. 485 pp.

__________ "Trois beaux canards (92 versions canadiennes)." Archives de Folklore, 2(1947), 191—292.

__________• "Voyageur Songs." Beaver, June 1942, pp. 15—19.

Barbeau, C. Marius. et al. RoundelaysDansons a Ia ronde. Ottawa: Musée National du Canada, Bulletin 151, 1958. 104 pp.

Barbeau, C. Marius, and Edward Sapir. Folk Songs of French Canada. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1925. 216 pp.

Begin, Carmelle. La musique traditionnelle pour violon: Jean Carignan. Ottawa: Musées nationaux du Canada, CCECT Mercure 40, 1981, 146 pp.

__________• La musique traditionnelle pour accordion diatonique: Philippe Bruneau. Ottawa: Musée national du Canada, CCECT Mercure 47, 1983. 158 pp.

Béland, Madeleine. Chansons de voyageurs, coureurs de bois et forestiers, avec Ia collaboration musicale de Lorraine Carrier-Aubin. Québec: Les Presses de l'université Laval, 1982. 432 pp.

__________• "Le Cordonnier dans la chanson populaire." Dans Les métiers du cuir. Sous la direction de i-C. Dupont et Jacques Mathieu. Québec: Les Presses de l'université Laval, 1981, pp. 245—73.

Bélanger, Jeannine, et Marius Barbeau. "La césure épique dans nos chansons populaires."Archives de Folklore, 1(1946), 131—48.

Bérubé, Susan, et Michel Rioux. Repertoire des croyances et despratiquespopulaires du Bas-Saint-Laurent. Rimouski: College de Rimouski, Mai 1974. Chapitre III, "La chanson populaire d'autrefois," pp. 101—42.

Bouthillier, Robert. "La Bergere en pleurs dans un lieu solitaire': éléments de monographie." Dans de Folklore francais d'Amérique. Mélanges en l'honneur de Luc Lacourciére. Sous la direction de J.-C. Dupont. Montréal: Leméac, cl978, pp. 113—35.

Brassard, Francois. " 'D'oU viens-tu, bergère?' (nouvelles versions d'un Noel ancien, recuillies et annotées)." Archives de Folklore, 3(1948), 13—20.

__________ "Fais dodo, l'enfant de Ia cage." CFMJ, 4(1976), 25—28.

__________• "French-Canadian Folk Music Studies: A Survey." Ethnomusicology, 16(1962), 35 1—59.

Brassard, Francois. "Recordeurs de chansons." Archives de Folklore, 2(1947), 191—202.

_________• "Refrains canadiens de chansons de France." Archives de Folklore, 1(1946), 41—59.

__________• "Le Retour de soldat et le Retour du Voyageur." JAF, 63(1950), 147—57.

__________• "Le Voyageur." CFMJ, 2(1974), 13—18.

Canteloube, Joseph. . nthologie des chants populaires franco-canadiens. Paris: Durand & Cie, c. 1953.

*Cardin, Clarisse. "Bio-Bibliographie de Marius Barbeau." Archives de Folklore, 2(1947), 17—26.

Carrier, Maurice, et Monique Vachon. Chansons politiques du Québec. Tome 1.' 1765-1833; Tome II, 1834—1 838. Montreal: Lemac, 1977, 1979.

___________• "Les moeurs électorales des Québécois d'autrefois (chanson politique), Revue d'ethnologie du Québec, No. 4(1976), Montréal: Leméac, 1976, pp. 39-97.

__________ "Naissance d'une chanson politique: le chant des Voltigeurs, 23 décembre 1961," Revue d'ethnologie du Québec, No. 3, (1976), Montréal: Leméac, 1976, pp. 105-17.

Cass-Beggs, Barbara. Seven Métis Songs. Toronto: BMI Canada Ltd., 1967. 31 pp. Chansons de lutte et de turlute, Montréal: SMQ-CSN, 1982, 96 pp.

Chante rossignolet, Repertoire folklorique pour les jeunes. Québec: Ed. Ferland, 1951. 82 pp.

Chiasson, R.P. Anselme, o.f.m. Tout le long de ces cotes, Chansons folkloriques des Îles dc/a Madeleine. Mont-Saint-Hilaire: Chant demon pays, 1983. 63 pp.

Choixdechansons. 3e ed. Montréal: (Pensionnat Mont-Saint-Louis), 1916. 219 pp.

Cormier, Charlotte. "Les chansons d'amour de la tradition orale acadienne," Cahiers de Ia Société historique acadienne, Moncton, 1 0(Dec. 1979), 186—94.

__________• Ecoutez tous, pet its et grands.' Chansons de Pré-d'en-hauté. Moncton: Editions d'Acadie, 1978, 81 pp.

__________ "La musique traditionnelle en Acadie," Mémoires de Ia Société royale du Canada, 4e série, Tome 15, 1977, pp. 239-59.

Daignault, Pierre. Cinquante-et-une chansons a repondre. Montréal: Editions de I'Homme, 1963.

Deschënes, Donald. C'était Ia plus jolie des filles, Repertoire des chansons d'Angélina Paradis-Fraser. Montréal: Les QuinzeEd., 1982. 240 pp.

__________• "La complainte de Leopold Leliévre," Gaspésie, 2l(Mars 1983), 45—48.

__________• Excusez-la, Recueil de chansons folkloriques, Cap-Chat: Centre d'accueil de Cap-Chat, juin 1977. 51 pp.

Després, Florine. JechantemonAcadie. Moncton: Ed. d'Acadie, 1979.83 pp.

Doyon, Madeleine. "La chanson du Capitaine Bernard." Archives de Folklore, 4(1949), 57—61.

Dupont, Jean-Claude. Heritage d'Acadie. Montréal: Lémeac, 1977, pp. 29-59.

Ferland, Marcien. Chansons à répondre do Manitoba. Saint-Boniface: Editions du Blé, 1979. 218 pp.

Fowke, Edith, and Richard Johnston. Chansons de Québec/Folk Songs of Quebec. Waterloo: Waterloo Music, 1957. 93 pp.

Gibbon, John Murray. Canadian Folk Songs (Old and New). Toronto and London: Dent, 1927. 177 pp.

Gibbons, Roy W. Folk Fiddling in Canada. A Sampling. Ottawa: National Museum, CCFCS Mercury 35, 1981. 121 pp.

Grenier, Fernard. GaiLon La. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1952.

Griggs, Mary Ann. La Chanson folklorique dans le milieu canadien-francais traditionnel/The Folk-Song in the Traditional Society of French-Canada. Sudbury: La Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1969. 22 pp.

Harcourt, Marguerite d', "Analyse des versions musicales canadiennes des 'Trois beaux canards.'" Archives de Folklore, 4(1949), 129—36.

Harcourt, Marguerite d', et Raoul d'Harcourt. Chansonsfolkloriquesfrancaises au Canada. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1956.

Joyal, Jean-Pierre. "Le processus de composition dans la musique instrumentale au Québec." CFMJ, 8(1980), 49—53.

*Katz, Israel J. "Marius Barbeau, 1883—1969." Ethnomusicology, 14(1970), 129—42.

Lacourcière, Luc. "Chansons de travestis." Archives de Folklore, 4(1949), 87—93. __________• "Comptines canadiennes." Archives de Folklore, 3(1948), 109—57. __________• "Les écoliers de Pontoise." Archives de Folklore, 1(1946), 176—200. __________• "Il est pourtant temps." Archives de Folklore, 4(1949), 95—103. __________• "Les transformations d'une chanson folklorique: Du MoineTremblant au Rapide-Blanc." Recherches Sociographique, 1(1960), 401—34.

Lacourciére, Luc, et Marguerite d'Harcourt. "La vieille magicienne." Archives de Folklore, 1(1946), 86—96.

Lacroix, Laurier. . 'Illustration de Ia chanson folklorique au Québec des origines a la Bonne Chanson. Montréal: Musée des Beaux-Arts, 1980. 140 pp.

Laforte, Conrad. Le Catalogue de Ia chanson folklorique francaise, Tome I:

Chansons en laisse; II: Chansons strophiques; III: Chansons en forme de dialogue; IV: Chansons énumératives; V: Chansons sur les timbres (a paraItre bientôt). Québec: Les Presses de l'université Laval, 1977, 1981, 1982, 1979.

__________• La Chanson folklorique et les écrivains du XIXe siècle (en France et au Québec.) Montréal: Editions Hurtubise HMH, 1973.

__________• "Chansons folkloriques, chef-d'oeuvres d'inconnus," Etudes litter-aires (Québec: Les Presses de l'université Laval), 7(avril 1974), 159—81.

__________• "Le moyen age et la culture populaire de la Nouvelle-France: l'exemple de la chanson." Dans La culture populaire au moyen age. Sur le direction de Pierre Boglioni. Montréal: Ed. de l'Aurore, 1977, pp. 233—57.

__________• Poetiques de la chanson traditionnelle française. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1976. (Archives de Folklore 17.)

_________• Survivances médiévales dans Ia chanson folklorique, Poetique de la chanson en laisse. Québec: Les Presses de l'université Laval, 1981. 300 pp.

Laforte, Conrad, et Benoit Lacroix. "Religion traditionnelle et les chansons de coureurs de bois," Revue de l'Université Laurentienne, 11 (Nov. 1979), 11—42.

Lanctot, Gustave. "Chansons et rondes de Laprairte." JAF, 33(1920), 336—46. Landry, Guy. Danses et costumes regionaux du Québec, tomes 1 et 2. Montréal:

Fédération des Loisirs-danse du Québec, 1971. 189 pp., 209 pp.

LaRue, F-A-H. "Les chansons populaires et historiques du Canada." Foyer canadien, 1(1863), 321—84; 3(1865), 5—72.

Leblanc, Suzie, et Yvonne Leblanc. Chansons des fles-de Ia Madeleine. Richelieu: Musantiqua, 1980. 72 pp.

Lemieux, Germain. Chansonnierfranco-ontarien. 2 vols. Sudbury: Centre francoontariende folklore, 1974, 1975. 138 pp.; 140 pp.

__________ Chanteurs franco-ontariens et leurs chansons. Sudbury: La Société historique do Nouvel-Ontario, 1963—1964. 113 pp.

Lemieox, Germain. Folklore franco-ontarienChansons. 2 tomes Sudbury: La Societe historique do Nouvel-Ontario, 1949, 1950. 48 pp.; 48 pp.

MacLeod, Margaret Arnett. Songs of Old Manitoba. Toronto: Ryerson, 1959. 93 pp.

MacMillan, Sir Ernest, et autres. Vingt-et-une chansons canadiennes/Twenty-one Folk Songs of French Canada. Oakville: Frederick Harris, 1928. 53 pp.

Marie-Ursule, Soeur. Civilisation traditionelle des Lavalois. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1951, pp. 95—113; 268—356. (Archives de Folklore 5—6).

Michaud-Latrimouille, Alice. Chansons de grand-mere. Ottawa: L'Université d'Ottawa, 1980. 229 pp.

Moreau-Bourque, France. Je danse mon enfance. Montréal: Fédération des Loisirsdanse do Québec, 1979. 160 pp.

Musique acadienne du Sod Ouest de Ia Nouvelle-Écosse, Yarmouth: Escarbot, 1982.

Myrand, Ernest. Noels anciens de Ia Nouvelle-France: Étude historique. Montréal: Beauchemin, 1926. 300 pp.

Paquin, Robert. "Ballad: Ballade, complainte, chanson tragique, chanson Iyricoépique, ou chanson narrative?" CFMJ, 8(1980), 3—13.

________ "Le Testament do garcon empoisonné: Un 'Lord Randal' francais en Acadie", CFMJ, 7(1979), 3—17.

Pichette, Jean-Pierre. "Le curé a travers les chansons traditionnelles au Québec," dans Ethnologie quebécoise I, Cahiers do Québec no. 7. Montréal: Hurtubise I-IMH, 1972, pp. 159—84.

Proctor, George. "Musical Styles of Gaspé Songs." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 190, pp. 209-12.

Provost, Paul-Emile. Chansonscanadiennes. Montréal: np., 1907. 113 pp.

Rahn, Jay. "Text Underlay in Gagnon's Collection of French-Canadian Songs." CFMJ, 4(1976), 3—14.

Rens, Jean-Guy et Raymond Leblanc. Acadie/Expérience, Choix de textes acadiens:

complaintes, poémes et chansons. Montréal, Parti pris, 1977. Complaintes, poesie populaire, pp. 15—65.

Roy, Carmen. "Les chansons." Littérature orale en Gaspésie. Ottawa: Musée national do Canada, Bulletin 134, 1955; reédite en 1963, pp. 235—380.

__________ Saint-Pierre et Miquelon.' Une mission folklorique aux 1/es. Ottawa:

Musée national do Canada, Bulletin 182, 1966, pp. 86—99; 133—77.

Roy, Raoul. Le Chant de l'alouette. Québec: Presses de oniversité Laval, 1969. 105 pp.

Thomas, Gerald, comp. Songs Sung by French Newfoundlanders: A Catalogue. St. John's: Memorial University, 1978. 94 pp.

Tiersot, Julien. Forty-four French Fo/ksongs and Variants from Canada, Normandy, and Brittany. New York: Schirmer, 1910. 118 pp.

Veillées du bon vieux temps a Ia bibliotheque Saint-Sulpice. Montréal: Ducharme, 1920. 102 pp.

Willan, Healey. Chansons Canadiennes/French Canadian Folk Songs. 2 vols. Oakville: Frederick Harris, 1929. 27 pp.; 39 pp.

Wood, W.C.H. "Footnotes to Canadian Folksongs." Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, Series 2, Vol. 2, Sect. 2(1896), pp. 77—125.

Wyman, Loraine. "Songs from Percé." JAF, 33(1920), 321—35.

Young, Russell Scott. Vieilles chansons de Nouve/le-France. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1956. (Archives de Folklore 7.) 129 pp.

4. Anglo-Canadian/Canadiens Anglais

Barbeau, C. Marius. "Folk Songs." JAF, 31(1918), 170—79.

Barry, Phillips. "Songs and Traditions of the Miramichi." Bulletin of the Folksong Society of the Northwest, 10(1935), 15—17; 11(1936), 21—23; 12(1937), 23—24.

Bleakney, F. Eileen. "Folklore from Ottawa and Vicinity." JAF, 31(1918), 158—69.

Blondahl, Omar. Newfoundlanders, Sing! St. John's: EL. Bonnell, 1964. 120 pp.

Burke's Popular Songs. St. John's: Long Bros., 1929.

Casey, George J., Neil V. Rosenberg, and Wilfred W. Wareham. "Repertoire Categorization and Performer-Audience Relationships: Some Newfoundland Folksong Examples." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 397—403.

Cox, Gordon S.A. Folk Music in a Newfound/and Outport. Ottawa: National Museum, CCFCS Mercury 32, 1980. 220 pp.

Creighton, Helen. "Ballads from Devil's Island." Dalhousie Review, 12(1933),


_________• "Fiddles, Folksongs, and Fishermen's Yarns." Canadian Geographical Journal, 5I(Dec. 1955), 212, 221.

__________• Folksongs from Soot hein New Brunswick. Ottawa: National Museum, 1971. 238 pp.

_________ Maritime Folk Songs. Toronto: Ryerson, 1962; rpt. St. John's: Breakwater, 1979. 210 pp

__________• Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia. Toronto: Dent, 1932; rpt. New York: Dover, 1966. 333 pp.

__________• "The Songs of Nathan Hatt." Dalhousie Review, 32(1953), 59—66.

Creighton, Helen, and Doreen H. Senior. Traditional Songs from Nova Socita. Toronto: Ryerson, 1950. 284 pp.

Dibblee, Randall, and Dorothy Dibblee. Folksongs from Prince Edward Island. Summerside, PEt.: Williams and Crue, 1973. 124 pp.

Doerflinger, W.M. "Cruising for Ballads in Nova Scotia." Canadian Geographical Journal, 16(Feb. 1938), 91—100.

_________• Shantytnen and Shantyboys. New York: Macmillan, 1951; rpt. as Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman, 1972. 374 pp.

Doucette, Laurel. "The Gatineau Valley Singing Tradition: A Contemporary View." 7(1979), 18—22.

__________• "An Introduction to the Puckett Collection of Ontario Folklore." CFMJ, 3(1975), 22—29.

Doucette, Laurel, and Colin Quigley. "The Child Ballad in Canada: A Survey." CFMJ, 9(1981), 3—19. Doyle, Gerald S. Old-Time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland. St. John's: Gerald S. Doyle Ltd., 1927, 1940, 1955, 1966, 1978.

Fauset, Arthur Huff. Folklore from Nova Scotia. New York: American Folklore Society, 1931, pp. 109—26.

Fife, Austin F., and Francesca Redden. "The Pseudo-Indian Folk Songs of the Anglo-American and the French-Canadian." JAF, 67(1954), 239—53; 379—94.

Fowke, Edith. "American Cowboy and Western Pioneer Songs in Canada." Western Folklore, 21(1962), 247—156.

*_____. "Anglo-Canadian Folksong: A Survey." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 3 35—50.

__________• "British Ballads in Ontario." Midwest Folklore, 13(1963), 133—162. __________• "Folk Songs in Ontario." Canadian Literature, No. 16(1963), pp. 28—42.

__________• "Labour and Industrial Protest Songs in Canada." JAF, 82(1969), 34-50.

Fowke, Edith. Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1970. 232 pp.

_________• " 'Old Favourites': A Selective Index." CFMJ, 7(1979), 29—56.

__________• " 'The Red River Valley' Re-Examined." Western Folklore, 23(1964), 247—56; rpt. Alberta Historical Review, l3(Winter 1956), 20—25.

__________• Ring Around the Moon. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1977. l60pp. __________• "A Sampling of Bawdy Ballads from Ontario." In Folk/ore and Society. Ed. Bruce Jackson. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates, 1966, pp.4561.

__________• Sea Songs and Ballads from Nineteenth-Century Nova Scotia: The William Smith and Fenwick Hatt Manuscripts. New York: Folklorica, 1982. 118 pp.

_________• "Songs of a Manitoba Family." CFMJ, 3(1975), 34-46.

_________• Traditional Singers and Songs from Ontario. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates, 1965. 210 pp.

Gibbons, Roy W. As It Comes.' Folk Fiddling in Prince George, British Columbia. Ottawa: National Museum, CCFCS Mercury 42, 1982. 43 pp.

Gledhill, Christopher. Folk Songs of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Square Deal, 1973. 84 pp.

Goldstein, Kenneth S., and Neil V. Rosenberg. Folklore Studies in Honour of Herbert Halpert. St. John's: Memorial Univ., 1980. Margaret Bennett, "A Codroy Valley Milling Frolic," pp. 99-110; Carole Henderson Carpenter, "Forty Years Later: Maud Karpeles in Newfoundland," pp.111-24; Helen Creighton, "Collecting Songs of Nova Scotia Blacks," pp. 137-44; Edith Fowke, "'Blind MacNair': A Canadian Short Story and Its Sources," pp. 173—86; Edward Ives, "The Ballad of 'John Ladner,' "pp. 239—58; Neil V. Rosenberg, " 'ItWasaKind of a Hobby': A Manuscript Song Book and Its Place in Tradition," pp. 315-34

Greenleaf, Elisabeth B., and Grace Y. Mansfield. Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1933; rpt. Hatboro, PA.: Folklore Associates, 1968. 395 pp.

Grover, Carrie. . Heritage of Songs. Bethel, Maine: np., nd., rpt. Norwood, PA.: Norwood Editions, 1973. 216 pp.

Heath, T.G. "Protest Songs of Saskatchewan." Saskatchewan History, 25(1972), 81—91.

Hendrickson, Cheryl J. "English Language Folk Music in Alberta." CFMJ, 10(1982), 34-39.

Ives, Edward D. Joe Scott. The Woodsman-Songmaker. Urbana: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1978. 473 pp.

__________• Larry Gorman: The Man Who Made the Songs. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1964. 259 pp.

__________• Lawrence Doyle: The Farmer Poet of Prince Edwa,'d Island. Orono: Univ. of Maine Press, 1971. 269 pp.

_________• "Lumbercamp Singing and the Two Traditions." CFMJ, 5(1977), 17—23.

__________• "Twenty-one Folksongs from Prince Edward Island." Northeast Folklore, 5(1963), 1—87.

Karpeles, Maud. "British Folk Songs from Canada." Journal of the Folk Song Society, 34(1930), 218—30.

_________• Folk Songs from Newfoundland. London: Faber and Faber, 1971. 340 pp.

Leach, MacEdward. Folk Ba/lads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast. Ottawa:

National Museum, Bulletin 201, 1965. 332 pp.

Lovelace, Martin. "W. Roy Mackenzie as a Collector of Folksongs." CFMJ, 5(1977), 5—11.

McCawley, Stuart. Cape Breton Come-All-Ye. Texts only. Glace Bay, N.S.: Brodie 1929. 64pp.

MacDonald, Alphonse. Cape Breton Songster. Texts only. Sydney, N.S.: np., 1935. 71 pp.

Mackenzie, W. Roy. Ballads and Sea Songsfrom Nova Scotia. Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1928; rpt. Hatboro, PA.: Folklore Associates, 1963. 421 pp.

_________ The Quest of the Ballad. Princeton Univ. Press, 1919. 247 pp.

Manny, Louise, and James Reginald Wilson. Songs of Miramichi. Fredericton:

Brunswick, 1968. 330 pp.

*Mercer, Paul. Newfoundland Songs and Ballads in Print 1842—1974.' A Title and First-Line Index. St. John's: Memorial Univ., 1979. 343 pp.

Mercer, Paul, ed. The Ballads of Johnny Burke; A Short Anthology. St. John's:

Newfoundland Historical Society, 1974. 140 pp.

Mills, Alan. Favourite Songs of Newfound/and. Toronto: BMI Canada, 1958. 50 pp.

Murphy, James. Songs and Ballads of Newfoundland, Ancient and Modern. St. John's: Author, 1902. 90 pp.

Narváez, Peter. "The Folk Parodist." CFMJ, 5(1977), 32—37.

O'Donnell, John. Men of the Deeps. Waterloo: Waterloo Music, 1975.63 pp.

Peacock, Kenneth. "The Native Songs of Newfoundland." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 190, pp. 213-239.

_________ "Nine Songs from Newfoundland". JAF, 67(1954), 123—36.

Songs of the Newfoundland Outports. 3 vols. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 197, 1965. 1035 pp.

Pocius, Gerald. "'The First Day That I Thought of It Since I Got Wed.': Role Expectations and Singer Status in a Newfoundland Outport." Western Folklore, 35(1976), 109—22.

Proctor, George. "Old-Time Fiddling in Ontario." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 190, 1960, pp. 173—208.

Rahn, Jay. "Stereotyped Forms in English-Canadian Children's Songs: Historical and Pedagogical Aspects." CFMJ, 9(1981), 43—53.

Rogers, Tim, ed. "Canadian Railroad Songs." Canadian Folk Music Bulletin. 16(Apr. 1982), 6—20; 16(Oct. 1982), 13—27.

_________ "The Southern Cross: A Case Study in the Ballad as History." CFMJ, 10(1982), 12—22.

Rosenberg, Neil V. Country Music in the Maritimes: Two Studies. St. John's Memorial Univ., 1976. 20 pp.

Ryan, Shannon, and Larry Small. Haulin'Rope and Gaff. Songs and Poetry in the History of the Newfoundland Seal Fishery. St. John's: Breakwater, 1978. 192 pp.

Senior, Doreen H., and Helen Creighton. "Folk Songs Collected in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada." Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, 6(195 1), 83—91.

Shoolbraid, Murray. "Scottish Songs in B.C." Come All Ye, 6(1977), 45—54.

Spielman, Earl V. "The Fiddling Traditions of Cape Breton and Texas: A Study in Parallels and Contrasts." Yearbook for Inter-American Musical Research, 8 (1972), 29—48.

Story, George M. "The St. John Balladeers." In The Blasty Bough. Ed. ClydeRose. St. John's: Breakwater, 1976. pp. 159—70.

Szwed, John F. "Paul E. Hall: A Newfoundland Song-Maker and His Community of Song." Folksongs and Their Makers, by H. Glassie, ED. Ives, and J.F.Szwed. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green Univ. Popular Press, pp. 147—69.

Taft, Michael. "Dig Songs: Parody, Caricature, and Reportage on an Archeological Site." CFMJ, 5(1977), 38—44.

*. . Regional Discography of Newfoundland and Labrador, 1904—1972.

St. John's: Memorial Univ., 1975. 102 pp.

_______ 'That's Two More Dollars': Jimmy Linegar's Success with Country Music in Newfoundland." Folklore Foru,n, 7(1974), 99—121.

Thomas, Philip J. "B.C. Songs." British Columbia Library Quarterly, 26(July 1962), 15—29.

__________• "British Canadian Folk Music in B.C." British Columbia Music Educator, 18(Spring 1975); rpt. Come All Ye, 4(1975), 210—14.

__________• "Where the Rivers Flow." CFMJ, 3(1975), 47—55.

Walton, Ivan H. "Songs of the Great Lakes." Texts only. In Folklore of Canada. Ed. Edith Fowke. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1976, pp. 196-212.

Weiss, Michael V. "Songs from Western Canada." CFMJ, 1(1973), 38—46. West, Paul. "The Unwitting Elegiac: Newfoundland Folk Song." Canadian Literature, No. 7(1961), pp. 34-44.

White, John, comp. Burke's Ballads. St. John's: np., 1960.

5. Other Language Groups/Autres Ethnies

Clarfield, Geoffrey. "Music in the Moroccan Jewish Community of Toronto." CFMJ, 4(1976), 3 1—38.

Cohen, Judith R. "Judeo-Spanish Traditional Songs in Montreal and Toronto." CFMJ, 10(1982), 40-47.

Creighton, Helen. Folklore of Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 117, 1950; rpt. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1976, pp. 78—84.

Creighton, Helen, and Calum MacLeod. Gaelic Songs in Nova Scotia. Ottawa:

National Museum, Bulletin 198, 1964. 308 pp.

Dz'obko, J. My Songs: A Selection of Ukrainian Folksongs in English Translation. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Canadian Pioneer Library, 1958. 102 pp.

Feintuch, Burt. "Sointula, British Columbia: Aspects of a Folk Music Tradition." CFMJ, 1(1973), 24—31.

Fergusson, Donald A. Beyond the Hebrides. (Fad Air Falhh As Innse Gall). Halifax: Lawson Graphics, 1977. 343 pp.

Fraser, Alexander. "The Gaelic Folk Songs of Canada." Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, No. 60, section 2(1903), pp. 49-60.

Glofcheskie, John Michael. Folk Music of Canada's Oldest Polish Community. Ottawa: National Museum, CCFCS Mercury 33, 1980. 89 pp.

Henry, Frances. "Black Music in the Maritimes." CFMJ, 3(1975), 11—21.

*Klymasz, Robert B. Bibliography of Ukrainian Folklore in Canada, 1902-1964. Ottawa: National Museum, Anthropology Paper 21, 1969.

__________ "Social and Cultural Motifs in Canadian Ukrainian Lullabies." Slavic and East European Journal, 12(1968), 176-83.

__________ 'Sounds You Never Heard Before': Ukrainian Country Music in Western Canada." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 372—80.

__________ The Ukrainian-Canadian Immigrant Folksong Cycle, Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 234, 1970. 106 pp.

*Klymasz, Robert B. The Ukrainian Winter Folksong Cycle in Canada. Ottawa:

National Museum, Bulletin 236, 1970. 156 pp.

Klymasz, Robert B., and James Porter. "Traditional Ukrainian Balladry in Canada." Western Folklore 33(1974), 89—132.

Livesay, Florence Randall. Songs of Ukrainia. London: Dent, 1916. 175 pp.

MacDonell, Margaret. The Emigrant Experience: Songs of Highland Emigrants in North America. Toronto: Univ. of Toronto Press, 1982. 229 pp.

Mackinnon, Richard. "Cape Breton Scottish Folksong Collections." Culture & Tradition, 4(1979), 23—29.

Martens, Helen. "The Music of Some Religious Minorities in Canada." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 360—371.

McIntyre, Paul. Black Pentecostal Music in Windsor. Ottawa: National Museum, CCFCS, Mercury 15, 1976. 124 pp.

Mealing, F.M. "Sons-of-Freedom Songs in English." CFMJ, 4(1976). 15—24.

Peacock, Kenneth. . Garland of Rue.' Lithuanian Folksongs of Love and Betrothal. Ottawa: National Museum, Folk Culture Series 2, 1971. 60 pp.

________ • Songs of the Doukhobo,'s. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 231, 1970. 167 pp.

________• . Survey of Ethnic Folkmusic Across Western Canada. Ottawa: National Museum, Anthropology Paper 5 1965. 13 pp.

________ • Twenty Ethnic Songs from Western Canada. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 221, 1966.91 pp.

Pelenski, Ramon. "The Music of Canada's Ethnic Minorities." Canada Music Book, Spring/Summer 1975, pp. 59-86.

Quereshi, Regula. "Ethnomusicological Research Among Canadian Communities of Arab and East Indian Origin." Ethnomusicology, 16(1972), 38 1—396.

Rubin, Ruth. "Yiddish Folk Songs Current in French Canada." JIFMC. 12(1960), 76—78.

Song, Bang-song. The Korean-Canadian Folk Song: An Ethnomusicological Study. National Museum, CCFCS Mercury 10, 1974. 225 pp.


(All records are 12" LPs except those marked 10".)

1. From Traditional Sources/De sources traditionnelles

Abbott, O.J. irish and British Songsfrom the Ottawa Valley. Folkways FM 4051.

Acadieet Québec. Archives de Folklore, Laval. RCA-COP 139, 1959.

Benoit, Emile. Emile's Dream. Pigeon Inlet PIP 732.

__________• It Comes from the Heart. Pigeon Inlet PIP 7311.

La Berlue ... Avec Raymond Dinelle et son ensemble folklorique. Mercure C—1837—3.

Boudreault, Louis. Old Tune Fiddler of Chicoutimi, Quebec. Voyageur VRIP 323—5. 1979.

Bruneau, Philippe. Danses pour veillées canadiennes, Accordion. Philo 2003, 1973.

Canadian Folk Songs. Columbia World Library of Folk and Primitive Music, Vol. 8. Edited by Marius Barbeau. Columbia SL 211, 1954.

Carignan, Jean. HommageaJosephAllard. Philo 2012. 1976. .JeanCarignan. Philo 2001, 1973.

__________• Jean Carignan Plays the Music of Coleman, Morrison and Skinner. Philo 2018, 1978.

_________• Old-Time Fiddle Tunes. Folkways FG 3531.

C'est dans Ia Nouvelle-France. Produced by Marc Gagné, CELAT, Laval, Le Tamanoir TAM 2-27005, 1978.

Cible. Ministére de I'Education do Québec et Radio-Québec, RQ 128.

Chants et danses Quebec. Avec Jean Carignan, Aldor Mortin, etc. Le Chant do monde. GU LDX 74408.

Clark, LaRena. Authentic Canadian Folk Symbol. Clark Records, LCS 108. 1978.

_________ Canada at Turn of the Sod. Clark LCS 110. 1979.

_________• Canada's Traditional Queen of Song. Clark LCS 107, 1978.

_________• Canadian Folk Sound with LaRena. Clark LCS 109, 1979. Family Legend in Song. Clark LCS 106. 1978.

_________• Heritage of Folk Songs. Clark QCS 1311, 1977.

_________ LaRena Clark. Canadian Garland. Topic 12Tl40, 1965.

_________• Songs of an Ontario Family. Clark QC 903, c. 1968.

Come Hell or High Water. Songs of the Buchans Miners. Breakwater 1001, 1977. Cormier, Joseph. Scottish Violin Music from Cape Breton Island. Rounder 7001. The Doukhobors of British Columbia. Recorded by Barbara Bachovseff. Folkways FR 8972, 1962.

The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska. Recorded by Laura Boulton. Folkways FE 4444, 1954.

L'Esprit d'bois. Avec Marcel Carignan et son ensemble folklorique. Mercure C-I 837-2.

Far Canadian Fields: Companion to the Penguin Book of Canadian Folk Songs. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Leader LEE 4057, 1975.

Folk Music from Nova Scotia. Recorded by Helen Creighton. Folkways FM 4006, 1956.

Folk Songs of Ontario. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FM 4005, 1958.

Folksongs of Saskatchewan. Recorded by Barbara Cass-Beggs. Folkways FE 4312, 1963.

Folksongs of the Miramichi. Recorded at the 1959 Miramichi Folk Festival under' the direction of Louise Manny. Folkways FE 4053, 1962.

Game Songs of French Canada. Sung by Montreal school children. Recorded by Sam Gesser. Folkways FC 7214, 1956.

Guinchard, Rufus. Newfoundland Fiddler. Breakwater 1002. c. 1978. __________• Step Tunes & Doubles. Pigeon Inlet PIP 737.

Indian Music of the Canadian Plains. Recorded by Kenneth Peacock. Folkways FF4464, 1965.

Indian Music of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Recorded by Ida Halpern. 2 discs. Fohkways FE 4523, 1970.

Iroquois Social Dance Songs. Sung by George Buck, Raymond Spragge, Jacob F. Thomas, and W.G. Spittal. 3 discs. Iroqraft Q.C. 727-28-29.

Jos. Bouchard, violonneux I/c d'Orléans. Vol. 3. CoIl. Portrait do vieox Kebec. OPUS 221.

Landry, Henry. Henry Landry. Philo 2002, 1973.

Eloi Leblanc, LAA-l00l.

Lumbering Songs from the Ontario Shanties. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FM 4052, 1961.

Marie Hare of Strathadam, New Brunswick. Notes by Louise Manny and Edward D. Ives. Folk-Legacy FSC-9, 1962.

Maritime Folk Songs. Recorded by Helen Creighton. Folkways FG 3531, 1962.

Music from French Newfoundland. Pigeon Inlet PIP 734.

Music of the Algonkians. Recorded by Owen Jones, Jr. Folkways FE 4253.

The Music of Cape Breton. I. The Gaelic Tradition in Cape Breton; II: Cape Breton Scottish Fiddle. Topic 12T353; 12T354, 1978.

Musiciens traditionnels quebecois. Vol. 1, Gens de Charlevoix, Patrimoine PAT 18001. Vol.2, Jean Carignan, Pat 19001.

Musique de danse du terroir, Quadrille de Saint-Basille, Comte de Portneuf. Le Terroir L-100.

Nootka: Indian Music of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Recorded by Ida Halpern. Folkways FE 4524, 1974.

Nova Scotia Folk Music from Cape Breton. Recorded by Diane Hamilton. Elektra EKL23, 1955.

Ontario Ballads and Folksongs. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Prestige/International INT 25014, 1962.

Six Nations Singers. Iroquois Social Music. Music Gallery Editions MGE 16, 1979. Songs and Dances of Quebec. Recorded by Sam Gesser. Folkways FW 6951, 1956.

Songs and-Dances of the Great Lakes Indians. Recorded by Gertrude Kurath. Folk-ways FM 4003, 1956.

Songs from Cape Breton Island. Recorded by Sidney Cowell. Folkways FE 4450, 1955.

Songs from the Iroquois Longhouse. Recorded by William N. Fenton at Grand River, Brantford, Ontario. Library of Congress AAFS L6.

Songs from the Outports of Newfoundland. Recorded by MacEdward Leach. Folk-ways FE 4075, 1966.

Songs of French Canada. Edited by Marius Barbeam. Folkways FE 4482, 1957. Songs of the Greak Lakes. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FE 4018, 1964. Songs of the Nootka and Quileute. Recorded by Frances Densmore, Library of Congress AAFS L32, 1953.

Sur la Côté Nord: Folklore Music of Northern Quebec. Music Gallery Editions

MOE 17, 1979.

Tom Brandon of Peterborough, Ontario. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folk-Legacy FSC-10, 1963.

La Turlutaine. Avec Theo Bojeau et son ensemble folklorique. Mercore C-1837-1.

Ukrainian Christmas Songs. Recorded by Laura Boulton in Manitoba. Sung by choral groups. Folkways FW 6828, 1956.

Verret, Jean-Marie. Lafami/le Verret. Philo Forerunner Series, Vol. 1, 2007; Vol. 2, 42016.

"When Johnny Went Ploughin' for Kearon" and other Traditional P.E.I. Folk-songs. Sung by Tommy Banks & John Cousins. P.E.I. Heritage Foundation, 1976.

2. By Non-Traditional Performers/Par des musiciens non-traditionels

Avery, Rick, and Judy Greenhill. "Harbour Grace". Songs of Eastern Canada. J+RRecords, JR 001, 1981.

Baillargeon, Héléne, and Alan Mills. Chansons d'Acadie (10"). Folkways FW 6923, 1956.

_________ and _________. Duet Songs of French Canada (10"). Folkways FW 6918, 1955.

Barbeau, C. Marius. My Life in Recording Canadian-Indian Folklore. Folkways FG3502, 1957.

Barde. Direction DLP.-I0.010.

Bartlett, Jon, and Rika Ruebsaat. The Green Fields of Canada. Canadian Folk Songs. Canadian Folk Workshop CFW 001, 1979.

The Beatons of Mabou. Marches, Jigs, Strathspeys and Reels of the Highland Scot. Rounder 7011.

Blondahl, Omar. Down to the SeaAgain. Rodeo RLP 80, 1956.

_________• The Great Seal Hunt of Newfoundland. Rodeo RLP 80, 1959.

_________• OnceAgainforNewfoundland. Melbourne AMLP 4007, 1967.

_________• The Roving Newfoundlander. Banff RBS 1142, 1959.

______• The Saga of Newfoundland in Song. Rodeo RLP 5, 1955. Songs of Seaand Shore. ArcA537,c. 1959.

_________• . Visit to Newfoundland. Rodeo RLP 34, 1958.

Breton, Gaétane, et Richard Cyr. Les Mots impossibles à oublier. Telson AE 1508. __________ et __________. Reflets de tradition québecoise. Opus 242.

Briand, Elmer. The Cape Breton Fiddle of Elmer Briand. Celtic SCX 56.

Brigand. Same Old Songs, Same Old Habits. Beard Productions, 1981.

Butler, Edith. Chansons d'Acadie. Radio-Canada international.

The Cape Breton Symphony: Fiddle. Glencoe CMI 1001,1978.

Cameron, John Allan. Here Comes John Allan Cameron. Apex AL7, 1645.

Canada's Favourite Folksongsfor Kids. Berandol 9031, 1978.

Canadian Folk Songs: A Centennial Collection. Nine records song by Yves Albert,

Héléne Baillargeon, Louise Forestier, Charles Jordan, Tom Kines, Jacques

Labrecque, Alan Mills, Diane Oxner, Jean Price, Raoul Roy, and Joyce Sullivan. RCA Victor CS 100, 1967.

Chants de NOel du Canada Fran cais. Par on groupe d'enfants et Héléne Baillargeon. Folkways FC 7229, 1956.

Chafe, Winnie. Highland Melodies of Cape Breton. Rounder 7012.

Charbonneau, V.M., M. Clerck, C. Guay, et L. Hébert. La poulette grise, Select SSC 13077; L'alouette chante encore, SSC 13080; Chansons de toutes couleurs, SSC 13081.

Christl, Margaret. Jockey to the Fair. Woodshed WS 009, 1978.

Christl, Margaret, and Ian Robb with Grit Laskin. "The Barley Grain for Me" and other traditional songs found in Canada. Folk Legacy FSC 62, 1976.

CJON Glee Club. Newfoundland Folk Songs. Rodeo RLP 83, 1955, and 84, 1956.

Croft, Clary. "False Knight Upon the Road": Songs from the Collection of Dr. Helen Creighton. Solar SAR 3015, 1981.

Doyle, Wilf. Traditional Jigs and Reels of Newfoundland. Rodeo RLP 10, 1956. Twenty-Five Newfoundland Accordian Favorites. Audat/ World 477-9087.

L'ensemble folk lorique do Canada. Feux-Follets. RCA Victor PC 1088.

Eritage. Le Ronde des Voyageurs. Fogarty's Cove FCM 006, 1982. Eritage. Son d'or SD 2000.

Figgy Duff. Phonodisc PTR 13014, 1980.

The Great Canadian Fiddle, Eleanor, Graham, and Fred Townsend. Springwater S6, 1976.

Hemsworth, Wade. Songs oft/me Canadian North Woods (10"). Folkways FW 6871 1955.

Kines, Tom. An Irishman in North America. Folkways FG 3522, 1962.

Labrecque, Jacques. Folk Songs of French Canada. Folkways FG 3560, 1957.

Geographic sonore do Quebec, Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean. Patrimoine PAT 2000.

Legault, Normand, et Richard Turcotte, et al. Musique traditionnelle pour Ia dance, Region de Quebec. Laridaine ML 7801.

__________ et _______. La Bastringue et autres danseries. Laridaine ML 7902.

Loft, Barry, and Lyn Loft. House Concert. Best Sellar Records DWM 3319.

Loft, Barry, and Tim Rogers. Songs of the Iron Trail. Calgary Sefel Records, SEF 83lT01, 1983.

McCurdy, Ed. Homeward Bound, A Selection of Canadian Folklore. Rodeo RLP 102.

MacLeod, Calum I. Scottish Gaelic Mouth Music. Rodeo RBS 128 and 152.

Maple Sugar: Songs of Early Canada. Featuring Stomping Tom Connors, Harry Hibbs, Eleanor Moorehead, University of Guelph Folk Choir. Two discs. Spring-water S1/S2, 1973.

The Men of the Deeps. Directed by John O'Donnell. Waterloo CSPS 898, 1975.

The Men of the Deeps "II "Waterloo WR7, 1977.

Meeks, Rudy. Fiddles of Shelburne, Mariposa 1364M.

Mills, Alan. Canada's Story in Song. 2 discs. Folkways FW 3000, 1960.

__________.Folk Songs of French Canada (10"). Folkways FW 6929, 1952. ________• Folk Songs of Newfoundland (10"). Folkways FW 6931, 1953.

Folk Songs of Newfoundland. Folkways FW 8771, 1958.

Folkloriquement vOtre. Totem TO 9208.

Songs of the Maritimes. Folkways FW 8744, 1959.

Mills, Alan, and Jean Carignan. Songs, Fiddle Tunes, and a Folktale from Canada. Folkways FG 3532, 1961.

Miville-Deschênes, Monique. Nöels anciens de Ia Nouvelle-France, ALPEC A 74006.

Moorehead, Eleanor. Canadian Queen of the Fiddle. Dominion 93071.

Nolan, Dick. Fisherman's Boy. RCA Camden CAS 2576.

__________• I'se the B 'y What Catches Da Fish. Arc 694, 1966.

_________• Lukey's Boat Arc AS 810, c. 1968.

Jim Payne & Kelly Russell. Pigeon Inlet PIP 7314,

Oran Cheap Breatainn (Songs of Cape Breton) Celtic CS 38.

Oxner, Diane. Traditional Folk Songs of Nova Scotia. Rodeo RBS 1142.

Peacock, Kenneth. Songs and Ballads of Newfoundland. Folkways FG 3505, 1956.

insent, Gordon. Roots. Arc ACS 5027, c. 1968.

Le Rëve du diable. Auberge. Mordicers MOR 1004. TAM 27020.

__________• Délires et des reels. Tamanoir TAM 27020.

__________• Le Rêve du Diable. Tamanoir TAM 270.

__________• Rivière jaune. TAM 27009.

Les Rhapsodes. Entreleboeufetl'dnegris. Novalis RHP 1902.

Rogers, Stan. For the family. Folk Tradition Records R002, 1983.

Roy, Raoul. Raoul Roy: folklore. VoIs. 1, 2, 3, 4. Select M298.068, M298.095, SSP 24147, SSP 24179.

__________ 20 chansonsfolkioriques du Québec. Select SQ 20.002.

St. John's Extension Choir of Memorial University. Newfoundlanders Sing Songs of Their Homeland. RCA Victor CC 1024, 1966.

St. Pierre, Simon. The Joys of Quebec. Revonah 915.

Sally Go Round the Sun. Children's songs. McClelland & Stewart, 1970.

Salute to Cape Breton Island. Fiddle tunes and mouth music. Celtic CX 18.

Sullivan, Joyce, and Charles Jordan. Folk Songs of Canada. Waterloo CS3, 1955.

Terra Novans. We'll Rant and We'llRoar. TN 1001, C. 1966.

Thomas, Phil. "Where the Fraser River Flows" and Other Songs of the Pacific Northwest. Skookumchuk Records SR 7001. 1980.

Townsend, Graham. Classics of Irish, Scottish, & French Fiddling. Rounder 7007.

__________ Le Violon. Rounder 7002, 1978.

The Travellers. . Century of Song. Canadian labour songs. Arc. A261, 1967.

Triggs, Stanley G. Bunkhouse and Forecastle Songs of the Northwest. Folkways FG3569, 1961.

La veillée des veillées. Troisième festival de musique traditionnelle de Montréal. Kébec KD 928-29.

Wall, Michael T. The Singing Newfoundlander. Banff 5416.

Walsh, Ray. Favorite Reels and Jigs of Newfoundland. Arc 691, c. 1966.

White, Minnie. NewfoundlandAccordian and Mandolin Favorites. Audat477-9058.

Williams, Edison. TheRovingNewfoundlander. Audat 477-9006, 1972.

The Wonderful Grand Band. Quay CS 014.