Canadian Journal for Traditional Music (1973)

A Reference List on Canadian Folk Music

Edith Fowke


The following is a revised and updated version of the reference list prepared for the Canadian Folk Music Society by Barbara Cass-Beggs and Edith Fowke in 1966. It is selective rather than complete: it includes most books of traditional songs and records by traditional singers, along with representative articles on various aspects of Canadian folk music, and some folk-song records by non-traditional singers. A more detailed bibliography of both published and unpublished material is planned for the future.

The published material has been divided into language groupings, and general works that include songs in two or more languages have been included in the English section. Asterisks indicate items which include more extensive bibliographies.

The list of compositions based on folk music is necessarily limited, but it includes most published works, and some unpublished works available through the Canadian Music Centre, 1263 Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario. The Music Centre can also supply information about other unpublished compositions. (For this section we are indebted to Henry Mutsaers.)


1. Indian andEskimo

Barbeau, Marius. "Asiatic Survivals in Indian Songs." Musical Quarterly, 20 (1934), 107-116.

"Buddhist Dirges of the North Pacific Coast." Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 14 (1962), 16-21.

"Dragon Myths and Ritual Songs of the Iroquois." Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 3 (1951), 81-85.

"Indian Songs of the Northwest." Canadian Music Journal 2, (Autumn 1957), 16-25. "Totems and Songs." Canadian Geographical Journal 50, No. . (1955), 176-181. "Tsimshian Songs" (75 musical transcriptions). In The Tsimshian, Their Arts and Music, ed. Barbeau, Garfield, and Wingert. New York: J. J. Augustin, 1951.

Boas, Franz. The Central Eskimo. Washington: Smithsonian Institute, 1888, 240-25 0.

"Eskimo Tales and Songs." Journal of American Folklore, 7 (1894), 45-50; 10 (1897), 109-115.

*cavanagh, Beverley. "Annotated Bibliography: Eskimo Music." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 479-487.

Cringan, Alexander. "Iroquois Folk Songs." Ontario Archeological Museum Report, 1903, 137-152.

"Pagan Dance Songs of the Iroquois." Ontario Archeological Museum Report, 1879, pp. 168-189.

Estreicher, Z. Cinq chants des Esquimaux ahearmiut (collection van den Steenhoven). In Geert van den Steenhoven, Research-Report on Caribou Eskimo Law. Ottawa:

Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources, 1956, pp. 1-1 1.

Fenton, William N. The Iroquois Eagle Dance, An Offshoot of the Calumet Dance. (Dance and musical analyses by Gertrude Kurath.) Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1953.

George, Graham. "Songs of the Salish Indians of British Columbia." Journal of the International FolkMusic Council, 14(1962), 22-29.

*Guedon, Marie-Francoise Guedon. "Canadian Indian Ethnomusicology: Selected

Bibliography and Discography." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 465-478.

Halpern, Ida. "Music of the B.C. Northwest Coast Indians." Proceedings of the Centennial Workshop on Ethnomusicology, Vancouver, 1968, pp. 23-4 1.

Herzog, George. "Salish Music." Contributions to Anthropology, 36 (1949), 93-109.

Kolinski, Mieczyslaw. "An Apache Rabbit Dance Song Cycle as Sung by the Iroquois." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 4 15-464.

Kurath, Gertrude P. Dance and Song Rituals of Six Nations Reserve, Ontario. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 220, 1968.

Iroquois Music and Dance. Ceremonial Arts of Two Seneca Longhouses. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1964.

Netti, Bruno. "Studies in Blackfoot Indian Musical Culture." Ethnomusicology, 11 (1967), 141-160; 293-309; 12 (1968), 11-48; 192-207.

Roberts, Helen H. Songs of the Nootka Indians of Western Vancouver Island. Based on records and notes made by Edward Sapir. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, 45, part 3, Philadelphia, 1955.

Roberts, Helen H. and D. Jenness. Songs of the Copper Eskimos. Vol. 14, Report of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1 8. Ottawa: King's Printer, 1925.

Sargent, Margaret. "Folk and Primitive Music in Canada." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 123, 1951, pp. 75-79.

"Seven Songs from Lorette." Journal ofAmerican Folklore, 63 (1950), 175-180.

Steenhoven, Geert van den. "Songs and Dances; characteristic life-expression of the Eskimo."Eskimo, 50 (March, 1959), 3-6.

2. Franco-Canadien

Anselme, Père, and Frère Daniel. Chansons d'Acadie. Montréal, Pointe-aux-Trembles: La Reparation. 3 vols. 1942-1948.

Bailargeon, Hélène. Vive la Canadienne. Montréal: Les Editions du Jour, 1962.

Barbeau, Marius.Alouette. Montréal: Editions Lumen, 1946.

"Berceuses et Chansonnettes." Journal of American Folklore, 53 (1940), 182-190. "Chants populaires du Canada." Journal ofAmerican Folklore, 32 (1919), 1-89. Chansons populaires du vieux Québec. Ottawa: Musée National du Canada, Bulletin 75, 1936.

"La complainte de Cadieux, coureur de bois (ca. 1709)." Journal of American Folklore, 67 (1954), 163-183.

Les Enfants disent. Montréal: Editions Paysans, 1943.

"The Ermatinger Collection of Voyageur Songs (ca. 1830)." Journal of American Folklore, 67 (1954), 147-161.

Folk Songs of Old Quebec. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 75, 1935. Jongleur Songs of Old Quebec. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1962. Romancéro du Canada. Montreal: Editions Beauchemin, et Toronto: Macmillan, 1937.

Le Rossignoly chante. Ottawa: Musée National du Canada, Bulletin 175, 1962. "Trois beaux canards (92 versions canadiennes)." Archives de Folklore, 2 (1947), 191-292.

"Voyageur Songs." Beaver, June 1942, pp. 15-19.

Barbeau, Marius, et al. RoundelaysDansons a ronde. Ottawa: Musée National du Canada, Bulletin 151, 1958.

Barbeau, Marius, and Edward Sapir. Folk Songs of French Canada. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1925.

Bélanger, Jeannine, et Marius Barbeau. "La césure épique dans nos chansons populaires." Archives de Folklore, 1 (1946), 131-148.

Brassard, Francois., "D'oi:i viens-tu, bergère?' (nouvelles versions d'un Noel ancien, recueillies et annotées)." Archives de Folklore, 3 (1948), 13-20. "French-Canadian Folk Music Studies: A Survey." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1962), 351-359.

"Recordeurs de chansons." Archives de Folklore, 2 (1947), 19 1-202.

"Refrains canadiens de chansons de France." Archives de Folklore, 1 (1946), 41-59. "Le Retour du Soldat et le Retour du Voyageur." Journal ofAmerican Folklore, 63 (1950), 147-157.

*Cardin, Clarisse. "Bio-Bibliographie de Marius Barbeau." Archives de Folklore, 2 (1947), 17-26.

Cass-Beggs, Barbara. Seven Métis Songs. Toronto: BMI Canada Ltd., 1967.

Daignault, Pierre. Cinquante-et-une chansons à répondre. Montréal: Editions de l'Homme, 1963.

Doyon, Madeleine. "La chanson du Capitaine Bernard." Archives de Folklore, 4 (1949), 57-6 1.

Fowke, Edith, and Richard Johnston. Chansons de Québec (Folk Songs of Quebec). Piano accompaniments. Waterloo: Waterloo Music Company, 1957.

Gagnon, Ernest. Chansons populaires du Canada. Québec Bureau du Foyer Canadien, 1865; rpt. Montréal: Beauchemin, 1947.

Gauthier, Conrad. 40 chansons d'auirefois. Montréal: Archambault, 1947.

Gibbon, John Murray. Canadian Folk Songs, Old and New. Piano accompaniments. Toronto and London: Dent, 1927

Greenough, William P. "Chansons Canadiennes." Canadian Folk-Life and Folk-Lore. New York: George H. Richmond, 1897, pp. 129-148.

Grenier, Fernard. Gai Lon La. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1952.

Griggs, Mary Ann. Le Chanson folklorique dans le milieu canadien-français traditionnel (The Folk-Song in the Traditional Society of French-Canada). Sudbury: La Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1969.

Harcourt, Marguerite d'. "Analyse des versions musicales canadiennes des 'Trois beaux canards." Archives de Folklore 4 (1949), 129-136.

"La chanson francaise au Canada." La Revue Musicale (Paris), fevrier mars 1940, pp. 82-97.

Chansons populaires du vieux Québec. Paris: Editions du Magasin musical Pierre Schneider, 1938.

Harcourt, Marguerite d' and Raoul d' Harcourt. Chansons folkloriques francaises au Canada. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1956.

*Katz, Israel J. "Marius Barbeau 1883-1969."Ethnomusicology, 14 (1970), 129-142.

Lacourcière, Luc. "Chansons de travestis." Archives de Folklore, 4 (1949), 87-93. "Comptines canadiennes." Archives de Folklore, 3 (1948), 109-157. "Les écoliers de Pontoise." Archives de Folklore, 1(1946), 176-200. "Il est pourtant temps." Archives de Folklore, 4 (1949), 95-103.

"Les transformations d'une chanson folklorique: Du Moine Tremblant au RapideBlanc." Recherches Sociographiques, 1(1960), 401-434.

Lacourcière, Luc, et Marguerite d'Harcourt. "La vieille magicienne." Archives de Folklore, 1 (1946), 86-96.

*Laforte, Conrad. Le Catalogue de la chanson folklorique francaise. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1958.

Lanctot, Gustave. "Chansons et rondes de Laprairie." Journal ofAmerican Folklore, 33 (1920), 336-345.

LaRue, F. A. H. "Les chansons populaires et historiques du Canada." Foyer canadien, 1 (1963), 321-384.

Lemieux, Germain. Chanteurs franco-ontariens et leurs chansons. Sudbury: La Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1963-1964.

De sumer au Canada francais. Sudbury: La Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1968.

Folklore franco-ontarienChansons. 2 vols. Sudbury: La Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1949, 1950.

Les Jongleurs du billochet. Sudbury: La Société historique du Nouvel-Ontario, 1972.

MacMillan, Sir Ernest, et autres. Vingt-et-une chansons canadiennes (Twenty-One Folk Songs of French Canada). Piano accompaniments. Oakville: Frederick Harris.

Marie-Ursule, Soeur. "Chansons pop ulaires." Civilisa tion tradition nelle des La valois. Quebec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1951, pp. 268-356.

Proctor, George. "Musical Styles of Gaspé Songs." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 190, pp. 209-212.

Roy, Carmen. "Les chansons." Littérature orale en Gaspésie. Ottawa: Musée national du Canada, Bulletin 134, 1955; reédite en 1963, pp. 235-3 80.

"Les chansons." Saint-Pierre et Miquelon: Une mission folkiorique aux iles. Ottawa: Musée national du Canada, Bulletin 182, 1966, pp. 133-177.

Roy, Raoul. Le Chant de l'alouette. Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval, 1969.

Tiersot, Julien. Forty-Four French Folksongs and Variants from Canada, Normandy, and Brittany. Piano accompaniments. New York: J. Schirmer. 1910.

Wood, W. C. H. "French Canadian Folk Songs." In The Heart of Old Canada. Toronto, 1913, pp. 222-292.

Wyman, Loraine. "Songs from Percé." Journal of American Folklore, 33 (1920), 3 21-335.

Young, Russell Scott. Vieilles chansons de Nouvelle-France. Québec: Presses Universitaires Laval, 1956.

Barbeau, Marius. "Folk-songs." Journal ofAmerican Folklore, 31 (1918), 170-179.

"Folk-Song." In Music in Canada, ed. Sir Ernest MacMillan. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1955, pp. 32-54.

Barbeau, Marius, Arthur Lismer, and Arthur Bourinot. Come A-Singing! Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 107, 1947.

Bleakney, F. Eileen. "Folklore from Ottawa and Vicinity." Journal of American Folklore, 31(1918), 158-169.

Blondahl, Omar. Newfoundlanders, Sing! St. John's: E. J. Bonnell Associates, 1964.

Burke's Popular Songs. St. John's: Long Bros., 1929.

Canadian Vibrations. Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1972.

Casey, George J., Neil V. Rosenberg and Wilfred W. Wareham. "Repertoire Categorization and Performer-Audience Relationships: Some Newfoundland Folksong Examples." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 3 97-403.

Cass-Beggs, Barbara. Eight Songs of Saskatchewan. Piano accompaniments. Toronto: Canadian Music Sales, 1963.

Creighton, Helen. "Canada's Maritime Provinces: An Ethnomusicological Survey." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 404-414.

"Fiddles, Folksongs, and Fishermen's Yarns." Canadian Geographical Journal, 51 (1955), 212-221.

"Dances, Games, and Songs." Folklore of Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Ottawa:

National Museum, Bulletin 117, 1950, pp. 73-84.

Folksongs from Southern New Brunswick. Ottawa: National Museum of Man, Publications in Folk Culture No. 1, 1971.

Maritime Folk Songs. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1962.

Songs and Ballads from Nova Scotia. Toronto: J. M. Dent, 1932; rpt. New York; Dover, 1966.

"Songs for Christmas." Atlantic Advocate, 50 (1959), 6 2-63 and 65-6 8.

"Songs from Nova Scotia." Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 12 (1960), 84-85.

"The Songs of Nathan Hatt." Dalhousie Review, 32 (1953), 59-66.

Creighton, Helen, and Doreen H. Senior. Traditional Songs from Nova Scotia. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1950.

Twelve Folk Songs from Nova Scotia. Piano accompaniments. London: Novello, 1950.

Doerflinger, W. M. Shantymen and Shanty boys. New York: Macmillan, 1951. "Cruising for Ballads in Nova Scotia." Canadian Geographical Journal, 16 (1938), 9 1-100.

Doyle, Gerald S. The Old-Time Songs and Poetry of Newfoundland. St. John's: Gerald S. Doyle, Ltd., 1927, 1940, 1955, 1966.

Emerson, Frederick R. "Newfoundland Folk Music." In The Book of Newfoundland, ed.

J. R. Smaliwood, St. John's: Newfoundland Book Publishers Ltd., 1937, pp. 234-238.

Fauset, Arthur Huff. Folklore from Nova Scotia. New York: American Folklore Society, 1931, pp. 109-126.

Fowke, Edith. "American Civil War Songs in Canada." Midwest Folklore, 13 (1963), 133-162.

"American Cowboy and Western Pioneer Songs in Canada." Western Folklore, 21 (1962), 247-256.

*'Anglo-Canadian Folksong: A Survey." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 3 35-350.

"British Ballads in Ontario." Midwest Folklore, 13 (1963), 133-162. "Canadian Folk Songs." Canadian Forum, 29 (1949), 177-179 and 201-202. "Folk Songs in Ontario." Canadian Literature, 16 (1963), 28-42. "Folktales and Folk Songs." In The Literary History of Canada, ed. Carl F. Klinck, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967, pp. 163-173.

"Labour and Industrial Protest Songs in Canada." Journal ofAmerican Folklore, 82 (1969), 34-50.

Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1970. "The Red River Valley' Re-Examined." Western Folklore 23 (1964), 247-256; rpt. Alberta Historical Review, 13 (1965), 20-25.

Sally Go Round the Sun: 300 Songs, Rhymes and Games of Canadian Children.

Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1969.

"A Sampling of Bawdy Ballads from Ontario." In Folklore and Society, ed. Bruce Jackson. Hatboro, Pa.: Folklore Associates, 1966, pp. 45-6 1.

Traditional Singers and Songs from Ontario. Hatboro, Pa.: Folklore Associates, 1965.

Fowke, Edith, and Richard Johnston. Folk Songs of Canada. Piano accompaniments.

Waterloo: Waterloo Music Company, 1954.

More Folk Songs of Canada. Piano accompaniments. Waterloo: Waterloo Music Company, 1967.

Fowke, Edith, Alan Mills, and Helmut Blume. Canada's Story in Song. Piano accompaniments. Toronto: W. J. Gage, 1960.

Greenleaf, Elisabeth B. and Grace Y. Mansfield. Ballads and Sea Songs of Newfoundland.

Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1933; rpt. Hatboro Pa.: Folklore Associates, 1968.

Grover, Carrie B. . Heritage of Songs. Bethel, Maine, n.d., rpt. Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1973.

Ives, Edward D. "Ben Deane' and Joe Scott: A Ballad and Its Probable Author." Journal ofAmerican Folklore 72 (1959), 5 3-66.

Larry Gorman, The Man Who Made the Songs. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1964.

Lawrence Doyle: The Farmer Poet of Prince Edward Island. Orono: University of Maine Press, 1971.

"A Man and His Song: Joe Scott and 'The Plain Golden Band." Folksongs and Their Makers, by H. Glassie, E. D. Ives, and J. F. Szwed. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1970, pp. 69-164.

"Twenty-One Folksongs from Prince Edward Island." Northeast Folklore 5 (1963), 1-87.

Karpeles, Maud. "British Folk Songs from Canada." Journal of the Folk Song Society, 34 (1930), 2 18-230.

Folk Songs from Newfoundland. Piano accompaniments. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1934.

Folk Songs from Newfoundland. London: Faber and Faber, 1971.

Leach, MacEdward. Folk Ballads and Songs of the Lower Labrador Coast. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 201, 1965.

MacDonald, Aiphone. Cape Breton Songster. Texts only. Sydney, N.S., 1935.

Mackenzie, W. Roy. Ballads and Sea Songs from Nova Scotia. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1928; rpt. Hatboro, Pa.: Folklore Associates, 1963.

The Quest of the Ballad. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1919.

MacLeod, Margaret Arnett. Songs of Old Manitoba. Toronto: Ryerson, 1960.

Manny, Louise. "The Ballad of Peter Amberley." Atlantic Advocate, 53 (1963), 67-74. "Larry Gorman — Miramichi Balladist." Maritime Advocate and Busy East, 40 (1949), 5-15.

Manny, Louise, and James Reginald Wilson. Songs of Miramichi. Fredericton, N.B.: Brunswick Press, 1968.

McCauley, Stuart. Cape Breton Come-All- Ye. Texts only. Glace Bay, N.S.: Brodie Printing Service, 1929.

Mills, Alan. Favorite Songs of Newfoundland. Piano accompaniments by Kenneth Peacock. Toronto: BMI Canada Ltd., 1958.

Murphy, James. Old Songs ofNewfoundland. St. John's, 1912.

Songs and Ballads ofNewfoundland, Ancient and Modern. St. John's, 1902.

Songs Sung by Old-Time Sealers ofMany Years Ago. St. John's, 1902.

Songs Their Fathers Sung: ForFishermen. St. John's, 1923.

Peacock, Kenneth. "Folk and Aboriginal Music." In Aspects of Music in Canada, ed.

Arnold Walter. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969, pp. 6 2-89.

"The Native Songs of Newfoundland." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 190, pp. 2 13-239.

"Nine Songs from Newfoundland." Journal of American Folklore, 67 (1954), 123-1 36.

Songs of the Newfoundland Outports. 3 vols. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 197, 1965.

A Practical Guide for Folk Music Collectors. Mimeographed. Canadian Folk Music Society, 1966.

Proctor, George A. "Old-Time Fiddling in Ontario." Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 190, pp. 173-208.

Senior, Doreen H., and Helen Creighton. "Folk Songs Collected in the Province of Nova Scotia, Canada." Journal of the English Folk Dance and Song Society, (1951), 83-9 1.

Szwed, John F. "Paul E. Hall: A Newfoundland Song-Maker and His Community of Song." Folksongs and Their Makers, by H. Glassie, E. D. Ives, and J. F. Szwed. Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, pp. 147-1699.

Thomas, Philip J. "B.C. Songs." British Columbia Library Quarterly, 26 (1962), 15-29.

West, Paul. "The Unwitting Elegiac: Newfoundland Folk-Song." Canadian Literature, 7 (1961), 34-44.

4. Other Language Groups

Creighton, Helen and Calum MacLeod. Gaelic Songs in Nova Scotia. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 198, 1964.

Dziobko, J. My Songs. A Selection of Ukrainian Folksongs in English Translation. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Canadian Pioneers' Library, 1958.

Fraser, Alexander. "The Gaelic Folk Songs of Canada." Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada 60, section 2 (1903), 49-60.

*Klymasz, Robert B. Bibliography of Ukrainian Folklore in Canada, 1902-1964. Ottawa: National Museum, Anthropology Paper 21, 1969.

"Social and Cultural Motifs in Canadian Ukrainian Lullabies." Slavic and East European Journal, 12(1968), 176-183.

"Sounds you Never Before Heard.' Ukrainian Country Music in Western Canada." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 372-380.

The Ukrainian-Canadian Immigrant Folksong Cycle. Ottawa: National Museum,

Bulletin 234, 1970.

The Ukrainian Winter Folksong Cycle in Canada. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 236, 1970.

Martens, Helen. "The Music of Some Religious' Minorities in Canada." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 360-37 1.

Peacock, Kenneth. . Garland of Rue: Lithuanian Folksongs of Love and Betrothal.

Ottawa: National Museum, Folk Culture 2, 1971.

Songs of the Doukhobors. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 231, 1970.

A Survey of Ethnic Folkmusic Across Western Canada. Ottawa: National Museum, Anthropology Paper 5, 1965.

Twenty Ethnic Songs from Western Canada. Ottawa: National Museum, Bulletin 211, 1966.

Qureshi, Regula. "Ethnomusicological Research Among Canadian Communities of Arab and East Indian Origin." Ethnomusicology, 16 (1972), 3 81-396.

Rubin, Ruth. "Yiddish Folk Songs Current in French Canada." Journal of the International Folk Music Council, 12 (1960), 76-7 8.


1. Orchestral

Adaskin, Murray. Capriccio for Piano and Orchestra. Saskatchewan Legend.

Betts, Lorne. Fantasia Canadiana.

Bissell, Keith. Three Commentaries on Canadian Folk Songs (string orchestra). Variations on a Canadian Folk Song (string orchestra).

Champagne, Claude. Noel Huron (mixed chorus and orchestra). Suite Canadienne (mixed chorus and orchestra): Durand, Paris.

Coulthard, Jean. Canadian Fantasy. Love Song of the Haida Indians (voice and string orchestra).

Dela, Maurice. Dans tous les cantons (string orchestra).

Eiger, Walter. Overture on Canadian Folktunes: Southern Music.

Farnon, Robert. . la Claire Fontaine: Chappell.

Fleming, Robert. Four Fantasies on Canadian Folk Themes (also for band). Shadow on the Prairie (ballet suite). Orchestral Suite on Maritime Folk Songs.

George, Graham. Songs of the Salish.

Gratton, Hector. Fantasia on Two French-Canadian Folksongs. Fantasia sur "V'là l'bon vent." Variations Libres sur "Isabeau s'y promène ".

Hill, Eugene. Serenade Quebecoise (string orchestra).

Jacquet, H. Maurice. Bouquet de Nöels (also for piano or organ, and violin and piano or organ): Ed. Archambault.

Jones, Kelsey. Miramichi Ballad: Boosey and Hawkes.

Jones, Trevor, and Donald Wetmore. The Broken Ring (folk opera). Scottish Landing (folk opera).

Kasemets, Udo. Recitative and Rondo (on songs of the Copper Eskimos) (string orchestra).

MacMillan, Sir Ernest. Three French Canadian Sea Songs (voice and strings). Two Sketches for String Quartet Based on French-Canadian Airs (also for string orchestra): Oxford University Press.

Mann, Leslie. Introduction, Pastorale and Fugue on a French-Canadian Air.

Matton, Roger. . 'Escaouette (suite pour orchestre et choeurs sur des airs acadiens).

McCauley, William. Newfoundland Scene. Quebec Lumber Camp.

McKay, G. F. Rocky Harbour and Sandy Cove: A Newfoundland Suite for String Orchestra: C. C. Birchard.

McKay, Neil. Fantasy on a Quiet Theme.

Peacock, Kenneth. Essay on Newfoundland Themes.

Perrault, Michel. Sea Gallows (ballet on Nova Scotia Folk Songs). Ten Quebec Folk Sketches.

Somers, Harry. Little Suite for String Orchestra on Canadian Folk Songs: Berandol Music.

William, Healey. The Order of Good Cheer (ballad opera): F. Harris.

2. Band

Cable, Howard. Newfoundland Rhapsody, and Quebec Folk Fantasy: Chappell.

Decelles, Maurice D. Vive La Canadienne: Canadian Music Sales.

Freedman, Harry. Lauren tian Moods.

Laurendeau, L. P. Laurentian Echoes, and The Shores of the St. Lawrence: Waterloo.

McCauley, William. Canadian Folk Song Fantasy: Southern Music.

O'Neil, Charles. Souvenir de Quebec: Chappell.

Sirulnikoff, Jack. Nova Scotia Fantasy.

3. Chamber Music

Bissell, Keith. . Folk Song Suite for Woodwinds: Boosey and Hawkes.

Haworth, Frank. Songs of Canada (for recorders): Whaley Royce.

Jacquet, H. Maurice. Suite Canadienne (violin or cello and piano): C. C. Birchard.

Kenins, Talivaldis. Fantasy- Variations (on an Eskimo lullaby) (flute and viola).

MacMillan, Sir Ernest. Six Bergerettes du Bas-Canada (voices, oboe, viola, cello, harp):

Oxford University Press.

McIntyre, Paul. Fantasy on an Eskimo Song (woodwind quintet).

4. Piano and Other Keyboard Instruments

Archer, Violet. Three Scenes for Piano (Habitant Sketches): Mercury, New York. Ten Folk Songs for Four Hands (2 vols.): Berandol Music.

Godden, Reginald. An Old Friend (Frère Jacques) (one piano, six hands): F. Harris.

Jacquet H. Maurice. Rhapsodie sur un chant canadien, "Alouette" (piano): Ed. Archambault.

Johnston, Richard. Folk Songs of Canada (piano solo edition): Waterloo.

MacMillan, Sir Ernest. D'où viens-tu, bergère (piano duet): G. V. Thompson.

Pentland, Barbara. Two Canadian Folk Songs (piano, four hands).

Poirier, B. F. Rhapsodie d'airs canadiens (piano or organ): Ed. Archambault.

5. Choral Arrangements

Anderson, W. H. Send Her Along (SATB): Western Music. Whence, 0 Sheperd Maiden(SSA): Galaxy Music.

Archer, Violet. Three French-Canadian Folksongs (SATB): Berandol Music.

Bell, Leslie. . la claire fontaine (SATB); Ah, si mon moine voulait danser (SSAA); The Long Beach Sea (SATB); Petty Harbour Bait Skiff (SATB); Quand /'étais chez mon père (SATB); We'll Rant and We'll Roar (TB): Canadian Music Sales. Three French-Canadian Folksongs (SATB): Mills.

Bissell, Keith. Adieu de la mariée a ses parents (SATB); Go and Leave Me If You Wish, Love (SATB); A Maid I Am in Love (SATB); Nous étions trois capitaines (SATB);

Two Canadian Folk Songs (SATB): G. V. Thompson. Cape St. Mary's (SATB); In Canso Strait (TTBB): Waterloo.

Blyton, Carey. Six Canadian Folksongs: Curwen and Sons.

Cable, Howard. Canadian Boat Song (SSA); On the Grand Banks (TTBB); Les Raftsmen (TTBB); Vive la Canadienne (SATB): Chappell.

Champagne, Claude. Fair Wind and Lovely Frances (TTBB or SSAA); Le Nez du Martin (SA); Quand /'é tais chez mon pere (SATB); The Rosebush and Isabel Went Walking (TTBB or SSAA); Voici le temps et la saison (SA): Waterloo Music. Marianne s'en va-t-au moulin (unison): F. Harris.

Eaton, R. S. Three French-Canadian Folksongs (SATB): Berandol Music.

Fleming, Robert. The Old Man andA Kangaroo Sat on an Oak (SAT): Western Music.

Gledhill, Christopher. Mary, the Virgin, Sings a Song (SATB): Berandol Music.

Homier, Jacques. Alouette (TTBB): Carl Fischer.

Johnston, Richard. Folk Songs of Canada (choral ed.); Canada Is Singing; As Jimmy Went a-Hunting (SAB); Down by the FairRiver (SATB); The Day Columbus Landed Here (TTBB); The Huron Carol (SATB); . Dyed My Petticoat Red (SSA); Jack Was Every Inch a Sailor (TTBB); Jessie Munro (SAA); Lovely Mollie (SA); Madam, Madam, You Came Courting (SSA); To the Labrador (SAB); The Woman from Dover: Waterloo Music.

Kenins, Talivaldis. Bonhomme! Bonhomme! (SATB); Ojibway Song (SATB): F. Harris.

The Carrion Crow (TTBB); Land of the Silver Birch (TTBB); The Maiden's Lament (TTBB): G. V. Thompson.

Kunz, Alfred. We'll Rant and We'll Roar (TTBB): Waterloo Music.

MacMillan, Sir Ernest. Au Cabaret (TTBB); Blanche comme la neige (TTBB);Dans tous les cantons (TTBB): Boston Music. Blanche comme la neige (SATB): G. V. Thompson.

McCauley, William. C'est l'aviron (SATB); Je sais bien quelque chose (SSA): Waterloo. Ridout, Godfrey. The Blooming Bright Star of Belle Isle (SATB); J'entends le moulin (SATB); Sainte Marguerite (SATB); We'll Rant and We'll Roar (SATB): Waterloo.

Saar, Louis. . la claire fontaine (SSA); Gai lon la, gai le rosier (SSA): Carl Fischer. Somers, Harry. The Banks of Newfoundland (SATB); Feller from Fortune (SATB); The Old "Mayflower" (SATB); She's Like the Swallow (SATB); Si f'avais le bateau (SATB): G. V. Thompson.

Tapscott, Carl. I'se the B'y that Builds the Boat (SA); Two Canadian Folk Songs (SA): Berandol Music.

Tremblay, J. P. A. 18 Chansons populaires du Canada (TTBB or piano): J. 0. Orme.

Whitehead, Alfred. Dans tous les cantons (Unison with descant); Isabeau se promè ne (unison with descant): Carl Fischer. D'ou viens-tu, bergere˝ (SATB); Gay Is the Rose (SATB): Boston Music.

Willan, Healey. C'est la mon doux plaisir (SSA); Le Miroir. (SA); Le Navire de Bayonne (SATB); Rossignol du vert bocace (SSA); Sainte Marguerite (SATB); Si j'étais petite mere (SA): F. Harris.

Wright, Don. Farewell to Nova Scotia (SATB): G. V. Thompson.

6. Vocal Arrangements

Beckwith, John. Five Songs (alto and piano): Waterloo Music. Four Love Songs (baritone and piano): Berandol Music.

Bissell, Keith. Six Folk Songs from Eastern Canada (medium voice and piano): Boosey and Hawkes. Six Maritime Folk Songs (2 vols.); Berandol Music.

Champagne, Claude. French Folksongs: F. Harris.

Coutts, George. Douze chansons canadiennes: Waterloo Music.

Fortier, Achille. 20 Chansons populaires du Canada: Ed. Hardy, Montreal.

Gibbs, Armstrong. Five Canadian Songs. Waterloo Music.

MacMillan, Sir Ernest. Ballads of B.C.;Northland Songs No. 2: G. V. Thompson. Three Songs of the West Coast: F. Harris.

Piche, Eudore. Chansons du vieux Quebec: Beauchemin.

Ridout, Godfrey. Folk Songs of Eastern Canada: G. V. Thompson.

Somervell, Arthur. Twelve Ancient French Canadian Folk Songs: Boosey & Co.

Willan, Healey. Chansons canadiennes (2 vols): F. Harris.


1. From Traditional Sources

Acadie et Que'bec. Enregistré par Roger Matton avec le concours du Conseil des Arts. Université Lava!, Quebec. RCA Victor LCP-1020.

Canadian Folk Songs. Columbia World Library of Folk and Primitive Music, vol. 8. Edited by Marius Barbeau from the collections of the National Museum and the

National Film Board, with contributions by Jean Gabus, Museum of Neuchatel, and Ida Halpern. Columbia SL 211.

The Doukhobors of British Columbia. Recorded by Barbara Bachovzeff. Folkways FR 8972.

The Eskimos of Hudson Bay and Alaska. Recorded by Laura Bolton. Folkways FE 4444. Folklore Canadien (chansons populaires de Gaspésie). Recueilliés par Carmen Roy.

Musée de l'Homme (Canada). MBS 2915.

Folk Music from Nova Scotia. Recorded by Helen Creighton. Folkways FM 4006. Folk Songs of Ontario. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FM 4005. Folksongs of Saskatchewan. Recorded by Barbara Cass-Beggs. Folkways FE 4312.

Folksongs of the Miramichi. Recorded at the 1959 Miramichi Folk Festival under the direction of Louise Manny. Folkways FE 4053.

Game Songs of French Canada. Sung by Montreal school children. Recorded by Sam Gesser. Folkways FC 7214.

Indian Music of the Canadian Plains. Recorded by Kenneth Peacock. Folkways FE 4464.

Indian Music of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Recorded by Ida Halpern. Folkways FE 4513.

Irish and British Songs from the Ottawa Valley. Sung by 0. J. Abbott. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FM 4051.

LaRena Clark: Canadian Garland. Ontario songs recorded by Edith Fowke. Topic 12T140.

Lumbering Songs from the Ontario Shanties. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FM 4052.

Marie Hare of Strathadam, New Brunswick. Notes by Louise Manny and Edward D. Ives. Folk-Legacy FSC-9.

Maritime Folk Songs. Recorded by Helen Creighton. Folkways FE 4307.

Nova Scotia Folk Music from Cape Breton. Recorded by Diane Hamilton. Elektra EKL 23.

Old Time Fiddle Tunes. Played by Jean Carignan. Folkways FG 3531.

Ontario Ballads and Folksongs. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Prestige/International INT 25014.

Songs and Dances of Quebec. Recorded by Sam Gesser. Folkways FW 6951.

Songs and Dances of the Great Lakes Indians. Recorded by Gertrude Kurath. Folkways FM 4003.

Songs from the Out-Ports of Newfoundland. Recorded by MacEdward Leach. Folkways FE 4075.

Songs from Cape Breton Island. Recorded by Sidney Robertson Cowell. Folkways FE 4450.

Songs from the Iroquois Longhouse. Recorded by William N. Fenton at Grand River, Brantford, Ontario. Library of Congress AAFS L6.

Songs of French Canada. Edited by Marius Barbeau. Folkways FE 4482.

Songs of the Great Lakes. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folkways FM 4018.

Tom Brandon of Peterborough, Ontario. Recorded by Edith Fowke. Folk-Legacy FSC-1 0.

Ukrainian Christmas Songs. Recorded by Laura Boulton in Manitoba. Sung by choral groups. Folkways FW 6828.

2. By Non-Traditional Performers

Baillargeon, Hélène, et Alan Mills. Duet Songs of French Canada. Folkways FW 6928. Chansons d'Acadie. Folkways FW 6923.

Barbeau, Marius. My Life in Recording Canadian-Indian Folklore. Folkways FG 3502.

Blondahi, Omar. The Saga of Newfoundland in Song. Rodeo RLP 5.

Down to the Sea Again. Rodeo RLP 7.

. Visit to Newfoundland. Rodeo RLP 34.

The Great Seal Hunt of Newfoundland. Rodeo RLP 80.

The RovingNewfoundlander. Banff RBS 1142.

Cameron, John Allan. Here Comes John Allan Cameron. Apex AL7 1645.

Canadian Folk Songs: A Centennial Collection. Nine records, sung by Yves Albert, Hélène Baillargeon, Louise Forestier, Charles Jordan, Tom Kines, Jacques Labrecque, Alan Mills, Diane Oxner, Jean Price, Raoul Roy, and Joyce Sullivan. RCA Victor CS-i 00.

Champoux, Pierrette. Les Bords du Saint-Laurent. Esoteric ES 536.

Les Chanteurs d'Acadie. Folklore Acadien. Rodeo RLP 30.

Folklore du Canada Francais. Rodeo RLP 39.

Noel du Canada Français. Rodeo RLP 4 1.

Chants de noel du Canada Francais. Par un groupe d'enfants et Hélène Baillargeon. Folkways FW 6829.

La Chorale de l'Université Saint-Joseph. Folklore Canadien. Columbia FL 234.

CJON Glee Club. Newfoundland Folk Songs. Rodeo RLP 83 and 84.

Dobson, Bonnie. Bonnie Dobson. Argo ZFB 79.

Doyle, WiIf. Traditional Jigs and Reels ofNewfoundland. Rodeo RLP 10. . Selection ofFavourite Newfoundland Old Time Music. Rodeo RLP 49.

Les Goelands, Vol. 1 (Canadian Folklore). Select S. 398156.

Hemsworth, Wade. Songs of the Canadian North Woods. Folkways FW 6821.

Ian and Sylvia. Northern Journey. Vanguard VRS 9154.

James, Karen. Karen James. Folkways FG 3549.

Joyeux Copains de Hawkesbury. Au pays de l'érable. London MB 7.

Kines, Tom. An Irishman in North Americay. Folkways FG 3522. Folk Songs ofCanada. RCA Victor PC/PCS 1014.

Labrecque, Jacques. Le Canada Chante pour vous. Pathe 33AT1029. Folk Songs ofFrench Canada. Folkways FG 3560.

McCurdy, Ed. Folk Songs of the Canadian Maritimes. Whitehall LP 850. Mills, Alan. Canada's Story in Song. 2 records. Folkways FW 3000.

Folk Songs ofFrench Canada. Folkways FW 6929.

FolkSongs ofNewfoundlannd. 10 inch. Folkways FW 6931.

Folk Songs ofNewfoundland. 12 inch. Folkways FW 8771.

Songs of the Maritimes. Folkways FW 8744.

Alan Mills and Jean Carignan. Songs, Fiddle Tunes, and a Folk-tale from Canada Folkways FG 3532.

Nolan, Dick. I'se the B'y What Catches Da Fish. Arc 694.

The Ojibwa Choir directed by Chief North Star. Arc 254.

Okun, Milt. . Sing of Canada. Stinson SLP 71.

Orain Cheap Breatainn (Songs of Cape Breton). Celtic CS 38.

Oxner, Diane. Traditional Folk Songs of Nova Scotia (from the Helen Creighton Collection). Rodeo RBS 1142.

Peacock, Kenneth. Songs and Ballads ofNewfoundland. Folkways FG 3505.

Roy, Raoul. Raoul Roy: folklore. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4. Select M298.068, M298.095, SSP 24147, SSP 24179.

Roy-Villandre, Mme. Adrienne. Canada 1 00: Indian Folk Songs of Canada. Polydor CP 5002.

St. John's Extension Choir of Memorial University. Newfoundlanders Sing Songs of Their Homeland. RCA Victor CC 1024.

Sally Go Round the Sun. Children's songs. McCIelland and Stewart.

Salute to Cape Breton Island. Fiddle tunes and mouth music. Celtic CX 18.

La Société de la Chorale Bach de Montréal. Mon Canada. Vox PL 11.860.

Sullivan, Joyce, and Charles Jordan. Folk Songs of Canada. Waterloo CS 3.

Travellers, The. . Century ofSong. Canadian labor songs. Arc A26 1.

William McCauley Choir. Canadian Folk Songs. Columbia FL 226. Noel a Quebec. Columbia FL 207.