Canadian Journal for Traditional Music (1973)


Edith Fowke

For some time now the Canadian Folk Music Society has been hoping to publish a journal which would provide an outlet for scholars who are collecting and studying Canadian folk music. Up to the present the only outlet for such articles has been the journals of American folklore societies, the International Folk Music Council, and the Society for Ethnomusicology. This first issue of our own journal has been made possible by grants from the Ontario Arts Council and the Mariposa Folk Festival, and to them we express our thanks.

For a start, our journal is simply an annual, but we hope that it will soon be possible to bring it out twice a year, and eventually to expand to a quarterly. When that happens we may be able to enlarge our scope to print articles on any subject of interest to Canadian folk music scholars, but until then our coverage will be restricted to articles on Canadian folk music only.

These articles will be as varied as possible in the hope of appealing to both the folk music specialist and the non-specialist reader. We shall tiy to cover as many different aspects of Canadian folk music as we can. For this introductory issue we are glad to be able to offer articles dealing with a representative cross-section of our ethnic groups: English, French, Ukrainian, Finnish, and Eskimo. Geographically the coverage is also quite broad: the material comes from British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Newfoundland, and the Northwest Territories. We regret that French Canada is not represented more fully, but we will welcome French-Canadian articles for our next issue.

Articles for possible inclusion in future issues should be sent to the editor, Edith Fowke, 5 Notley Place, Toronto, Ontario, M4B 2M7.

The Canadian Folk Music Journal is sent free to all members of the Canadian Folk Music Society. Membership in the Society is $5.00 a year for individuals, and $10.00 for institutions. Applications for membership should be sent to the President, Michael Cass-Beggs, 4633 Melrose Avenue, Montreal, Quebec, H4A 2S8.

Individual issues of the Journal may be purchased for $2.50. The Reference List on Canadian Folk Music (pages 46-56) will be reprinted as a separate leaflet, and extra copies may be ordered from Michael Cass-Beggs or Edith Fowke at 50 cents each.